Terms and Conditions

General Terms

  • Users must register for a D-TEX membership and agree to the Terms and Conditions Agreement. Upon registration, acceptance and agreement to the laws and regulations for using the websites or accompanying applications are implied. This enables the user to visit, make reservations, request, comment, or inquire about other services provided by the system.

  • As a user enjoying a D-TEX membership, you must maintain your private information and not share it with any other person. You are responsible for any orders or system usage through your data, whether you placed the order yourself or granted others access to your private data.

  • The terms and conditions also apply to all applications accompanying the website, whether they are applications on smart devices, computers, or other devices.

General Policies

  • D-TEX Market provides multiple services such as buying, selling, and other services available on the website www.dtexmall.com or other apps and websites.

  • D-TEX Market has been established as a comprehensive free electronic market platform offering various online services. D-TEX Market enables registered traders with D-TEX company to effectively showcase their products and increase their sales opportunities due to a large customer base. This platform is one of the best local shopping websites on the web, providing convenience and security for both customers and sellers alike. The system allows registered members to execute the available service request according to the user's preference.

  • The system provides an easy method and distinguished service to execute the order online and deliver it securely according to the available regions and areas as outlined on the website.

  • We emphasize that institutions, stores, and brands are responsible for their registered products and services on D-TEX Market and are committed to complying with the correct laws, regulations, standards, and product safety and health standards. These are legal conditions regulated by the state through its regulating institutions for such services according to applicable regulations and systems.

  • All service providers registered with us are responsible for complying with the regulations, laws, and standards related to the services provided according to the agreed-upon specifications and as displayed on the website, as well as those agreed upon with D-TEX Market and subject to agreements made with relevant parties.

  • Service providers are responsible for any deficiencies in services that do not match what is offered on the website or damages. In case of any shortcomings, we request users to file a complaint specifying the time, date, type of violation, and the responsible party for providing the service, as D-TEX Market is merely a facilitator to electronically deliver services to users and does not directly supervise or execute all services. Instead, each party is responsible for the service provided according to previously agreed-upon specifications matching what is offered on the website.

  • We emphasize to all members (customers) the importance of verifying the information provided by institutions and posted on our website, whether the buyer or the beneficiary of the service has requested what they want from the website or directly from service providers in terms of quality, specifications, safety, and health.

  • Users ("customers") are responsible for the accuracy of their data, especially addresses and contact numbers, and in case of errors, the responsibility remains with the user.

  • Any shortcomings beyond control in providing the service will be notified to the beneficiary at that time.

Membership Terms

The member accepts and acknowledges the following:

  • That the membership data used is accurate and the member remains responsible for inaccurate and insufficient information. D-TEX Market has the right to suspend or terminate the membership in case of violation.

  • To maintain the registration data privately and not disclose it to others. In case of violation, the member bears full responsibility financially and legally.

  • The registered member with D-TEX Market is fully responsible for all files uploaded to the network, as well as ideas, opinions, comments, and expressions of opinion.

  • The registered member agrees to comply with the terms and laws of publishing and not to use D-TEX Market to harm entities, individuals, or institutions when publishing any product or expressing opinions and participating in D-TEX Market.

  • D-TEX Market has the right to use published materials on the network for advertising and promotional purposes without consulting the publishing party.

Registration and Membership

  • Agreeing to the Membership Terms, General Policies, Privacy, and Terms of Use.

  • Every registered member on D-TEX Market chooses a suitable username and password during registration, ensuring that the username is unique and not used by another user.

  • The registered member on D-TEX Market is obliged not to share personal data, especially the password used to execute any service request or online purchase. The account owner is responsible for any consequences.

  • Users can change their password anytime they wish, and it remains the user's responsibility to keep their personal data confidential and not to provide it to any other user, as registration is free and available to everyone.

  • The user logs in to complete any order and make electronic payments for any available service directly through the electronic wallet (Wafi electronic payment service).

  • If a user registration data is discovered or known by others, the user can change the password directly. In case of forgetting the password, the user can recover it using the registered mobile number on D-TEX Market, following the account recovery steps.

  • D-TEX Market does not share user data with others except in necessary cases, where the mobile number is shared with service providers upon request to expedite service delivery to the correct address.

  • Every registered member on D-TEX Market is responsible for the orders and activities carried out through their account. In case of suspicion about unauthorized account usage, the user must report and contact us immediately to suspend that account.

  • D-TEX Market notifies users about discounts and available offers to benefit from services in nearby areas.